Sunday, September 8, 2013

What's in My Doula Bag?

A while ago I began gathering supplies for my doula bag, and I thought it would be nice to share its contents for other new doulas.  A few of these might even be nice for dads to bring along in the birth bag to help keep mom comfy.
So, here is the break down:
A few things I include for myself
  •  lip balm (it is nice to bring an additional sealed one for mom)
  • deodorant
  • a business card or two to give to the midwife or OB if we are meeting for the first time
For mom it is nice to have
  • mints
  • travel size mouthwash to freshen up if she is nauseated  (I always bring a few extra for myself and dad in case of a long birth)

  • bendy straws help to keep mom drink in various laboring positions
  • energy bars are a great, compact snack for mom (if she is allowed to eat) and it helps doula and dad keep their energy up without leaving mom alone
  • (not pictured) honey straws are a quick energy boost for when mom is getting tired

  • Dr. Bronner's Magic Castille Soap in lavender and peppermint are great for drawing up a bath and for scenting cool compress towels for mom's forehead during harder parts of labor.  Lavender is really calming and peppermint is great to bring energy.
  • Weleda body oils are awesome for massage.  I especially love the Arnica one since it is helpful to soothe mama's working muscles.
  • Jojoba oil is a lovely for massage and is unscented incase mom is sensitive to scents. 

  • combs are helpful for mom to squeeze with the teeth facing her palms during difficult contractions.
  • rebozo is great tool for relaxing during labor.  I always refer to
  • hot pack or rice sacks are perfect for using heat therapy during labor.
  • (not pictured) hand held fan to keep mom refreshed and cool.

extra references/guides
  • birth plan which I usually keep on my phone, but it is handy to have a hard copy
  • birth partner comfort guide which I like to print out in case dad forgets his copy
  • Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
  • Spinning Babies readily on hand through my phone
  • contraction timer app really helpful rather than writing everything down since you only have to press the start/stop button so you can focus more on the laboring mother-to-be.

My doula bag contents all in one place!  I keep all the snack type things in a gallon sized plastic bag and the massage oils and soaps in another so that they don't leak and cause a huge mess!  It is also nice to bring a peanut ball and birth/exercise ball if the hospital doesn't provide them. 

 All packed and ready!