Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Long Prodromal Labor

Supporting a mother through a long early labor can be tricky and challenging.  It may be especially frustrating for first time mamas because it makes them begin to wonder if their bodies can really are capable of birthing their babies.  As a doula, it is our job to remind them what deep down they probably already know, yes, they can.

Although birth may be a long way out, to a first time mama, prodromal labor may feel like the real thing. And in a way, it is the real thing because her body is working to prepare for the birth of her baby.  

I find the 5 Rs helpful in reminding me how to best help during a long early labor:

  • Remind her of reasons why early labor may be so long (positioning problems, braxton hicks, baby isn't quite engaged).
  • Redefine progress: sometimes it is difficult to think of progress outside of dilation, but I find it is helpful to get mama's mind off of her "number" and to break labor down contraction by contraction.  Focusing on the smaller victories helps her realize she really can do it.
  • Rest: assure her that she will hold her baby soon, and that she should use now to rest as much as possible to prepare for her later labor and birth.  If her labor plateaus or stops, which can sometimes happen, assure her that her body is giving her time to rest, and that can be just the thing she needs.  
  • Reposition: lots of long early labors happen because the body is working to reposition a poorly positioned baby.  I always consult Spinning Babies for positioning ideas and tips.
  • Reset: sometimes a nice bath will help reset mama so she can relax and gain perspective on her labor as a whole. Eventually she will have that baby!

This is one of my favorite resources (again, Spinning Babies) for prodromal labor and I encourage you to read and share: Is This Labor or Not?

Also, remember this is your time to rest, too.  Doula support is most important during the active phases of labor, but it is still necessary for you to emotionally support during this early time, especially if she is frustrated and disappointed if her labor isn't progressing as quickly as she'd hoped.