Friday, December 13, 2013

Five Activities for the Final Weeks (or days) of Your Pregnancy

The last weeks of pregnancy can be filled with anxiety, excitement and frustration waiting for labor to start and to meet your baby.  For first time moms especially, waiting it out can be a challenge because they might not have the distraction of other children.  As a doula, I've learned that supporting a mama through her last few weeks and days of being pregnant can be as challenging as supporting her through the labor itself because your mental state leading up to birth affects how prepared and calm you will be during labor. 

I encourage my clients to keep busy and perform activities that will be helpful during her postpartum period, as well as things they enjoy that will help them relax.  Here are a few things that are "must dos" for the final weeks:

1.  Walk the dog.  Walking is great for opening the pelvis and encouraging the baby to engage.  Fresh air never hurt anyone, and it is an enjoyable way to pass time.

2.  Make lots of meals and freeze them.  It is always lovely when neighbors and friends bring you delicious homemade meals, but it will be nice to have familiar, comforting food you love.  You will be glad you made six quarts of butternut squash soup or your favorite chili!

3.  Craft your own postpartum padsicles.  YOU WILL BE SO HAPPY YOU DID THIS!  My favorite recipe is here:  postpartum padsicles.

4.  Go to prenatal yoga.  What better way to prepare for birth, spend time with other expectant mamas and send labor love (or a friendly eviction notice) to your baby?

5.  Take a bath.  Relaxing in the tub is a wonderful way to soothe aching muscles and cherish your last few weeks or days of "me" time.  Practice relaxing your inner thighs and pelvic floor... and it doesn't hurt to throw in a few kegels!