Love Notes

My husband and I wanted a natural birth and a doula to support us in the process. In our initial meeting, it was clear that Rachael shared our birth philosophy and deeply appreciated the challenges and beauty of natural birth. We also liked that she is a yoga teacher and has a strong knowledge of prenatal exercises and labor positions. Above all, she exuded warmth, gentleness, and a quiet confidence.
One benefit of working with Rachael was the chance to attend her prenatal yoga class, which also let me get to know her in the months leading up to delivery. Rachael was always interested in how my pregnancy was going. She was a fantastic resource for pregnancy/birth information, and passed along websites, books, and other materials.
Our baby arrived 10 days late and in a whirlwind fashion. Rachael had a very calming presence during an intense and rapid labor. She offered several comfort/coping tools, such as essential oils and cool washcloths. Because labor was progressing very quickly, the experience was rather confusing—we had expected a much longer and gradual labor. It was very helpful to have Rachael present and to have her guidance. We arrived at the hospital just in time—I was fully dilated and ready to push. Pushing took over an hour, and Rachael reminded me to drink water and offered encouragement throughout the difficult work. She anticipated my needs and worked as a great support to my husband—they made a wonderful coaching team. We were able to have the natural birth experience that we had hoped for.

We highly recommend Rachael as a birth doula. She has strong experience and training in the natural birth process, and an innate gentleness, calmness, and warmth. She strikes an ideal balance between professionalism and a personal touch, and exhibits a great sense of humor, attention to detail, and dedication. We could not be happier to have had her play such an important role in our daughter’s birth story.

I met Rachael at a "meet the doulas" event that richmond doulas put on. After a short meeting over coffee/tea, I knew that Rachael would not only be a great fit as a doula, but a friend as well. We were new to the area and my husband was out of town for 2 months. She was always available, met me for coffee just because, and contacted me regularly in the last few weeks to check in.
I had experienced prodromal labor for about 3 weeks. At my midwife appointment at 39 weeks, they said my water hadn't broken, but that I was already 5cm dilated and 80% effaced! I was already half way there! I was told to go home and pack. The midwives thought I would go into labor that night. I let Rachael know and we both napped just in case. When I was still pregnant Friday, I did some yoga poses and accupressure that Rachael suggested just incase the baby was in a bad position and needed to flip. By the afternoon, the contractions were 5 min apart and regular. Rachael suggested we call the midwife who advised us to wait an hour to see if they became more painful. Twenty minutes later, they were finally getting stronger! 

Rachael met us at the hospital right as we were being wheeled into the room. I labored in the tub for about 3 hours. Rachael was there to remind me to drink, used aromatherapy when I was feeling nauseous, and rubbed by back when it cramped up. She provided the confident, quiet support that I needed and never overstepped her boundaries. When I thought I couldn't go any longer, she reminded me that I could. She was never in the way, and helped support my husband in supporting me. Ultimately I was able to have the beautiful natural birth I had desired.

Many things played into this, but I firmly believe that hiring Rachael as our doula was one of the smartest things we could do. You can never get too much support during this time of your life, before and after. I highly recommend Rachael to anyone interested in having a beautiful birthing experience!

My partner and I were looking to hire a doula as a means of extra support during our childbirth. We had planned a natural labor and were looking for an experienced guide, considering this was our first child. Rachael was the first doula we met, and we both knew she was the perfect one right away. Her bubbly, yet laid back personality really clicked with ours.

Rachael was always available for any questions and concerns either my partner or myself had. Email, text, or call, she always got back to us right away. She passed along some of her knowledge about rebozo techniques as well as homeopathic remedies in order to make my pregnancy as easy and delightful as possible. She was always asking for updates and seemed just as excited as we were about my progress! When it came time to labor, Rachael came to the rescue almost immediately after we called her. We had planned on a natural birth, but unfortunately had to induce due to minor complications, which led to an epidural and ended with a little help from the dreaded forceps. 

My birth was very long and intense for both my partner and myself. Rachael was awesome throughout the whole thing, and anticipated all my needs. She provided me with positive affirmations, applied chapstick to my lips, oils and washcloths to my face and neck, and reminded me to eat and drink as much as I could. She took everything that went wrong in stride, and did an incredible job reminding me how strong I am and gave me the confidence I needed to push through it all. She was excellent at giving guidance to my partner with ways to encourage me as well. Having anticipated a natural birth, we both really hit a wall emotionally when it came time to choose between forceps or a c-section. We honestly wouldn't have been able to make a decision without her warm, kind words lifting us up. It was a very scary moment, but we got through it and made the right choice with her encouragement.

Rachael was the guiding light we both needed to make my labor the best it could be. She was absolutely wonderful at meeting both my needs as well as my partner's. I couldn't have asked for anything better from her. Having Rachael there for such an intimate and life changing experience has really made her feel like part of the family. I am already excited at the thought of having her around for our second!


My birth was the most wonderful experience, with much thanks to Racheal. She was so very helpful throughout my whole pregnancy, she went to doctors visits with me and was also helping me fight my extreme heartburn, to her calming yoga coaching, and patience with me during my 27 hours of labor. I went in acticw labor the day before Thanksgiving and with my first call to Racheal informing her I lost my plug she was just as excited as I was that we would be meeting my little man very soon. I was told by my doctor to head to L&D and that I would be having a baby for Thanksgiving. I called Racheal 1st and she was there like a cool drift of wind, with her warming small and encouraging words I was prepared for anything. I was offered home twice where I went and ate and with each visit back to L&D she was there within the speed of light everytime. At 7cms my labor came to a hault and we had tried everything to get little man to progress, shower laboring, light exercising, birthing ball, and my cervix had started to swell cause major back pains. I was given a choice C Section or Epidural. Epidural it was, I am so terrified of needles, but with some encouraging words from Racheal I was so ready to meet my little man I had to worry in the world. After a hour nap he was ready to enter the world, and with 3 pushes we had delivered a 7lb 12oz baby boy with 12 fingers and 10toes and the lungs of a singer. I was very pleased with Racheal and her determination, I pleaded with her to go home and be with her family for the holiday but she meant she was leaving until he awas here and screaming, afterall she had done for me I feel as if she is a member of my family and not just a Doula. I really couldn't have chosen a better Doula as helpful and encouraging as Racheal, Thanks again for everything!!! Love Jess and Tymon

I met Rachael at an event for the VCU Midwives about six weeks before our due date.  We instantly hit it off, as she is so warm and inviting and a very active listener.  I am also familiar with the organization through which she received her training, and know of their high standards.  Rachael met with us at our home, and discussed our wants and concerns about our birth experience.  She asked great questions, and was very supportive of our needs making it easy for us to choose her to be our doula.

Rachael made regular contact with us to check in our our progress, and met with us again in person where she offered us a wonderful guide for my husband that she had created that outlined ways that he could be helpful throughout the labor process.

When we did (finally!) go into labor, Rachael came to our house and worked with me, using a number of comfort measures to help guide me through the contractions.  Rachael was so very encouraging and strong; I felt safe and capable.  We went to the hospital when i felt ready, only to have my contractions pretty much stop altogether.  We were sent back home to sleep and rest up, and even though I felt very discouraged, Rachael helped me to keep positive.

My water broke the next afternoon, and Rachael met us at the hospital and was an incredible presence and support throughout my entire labor, which all in all turned out to be 36 hours (including the previous day's adventures).  She employed a variety of techniques to help me through my contractions, and maintained a wonderful attitude.  Rachael was very knowledgable and was quick to recognize what I needed at different stages thoughout my labor.  We successfully delievered our 9 lb. 9 oz. son vaginally early the next morning.  I know both my husband and I feel that Rachael was an indispensible part of our birth experience, and would highly recommend her to any expecting parents.


I became interested in hiring a doula when I was a little over half way through my first pregnancy. I spoke with and interviewed a few different ladies before choosing Rachael. Rachael's knowledge of yoga, aromatherapy, and massage immediately made her stand out to me and my partner. After hiring her, Rachael was very involved and helpful with any questions or concerns that came up. She familiarized herself with the birth plan that we decided on and even offered prenatal classes, rebozo techniques, and herbal supplements to prepare us for the remainder of the pregnancy and birth of our daughter in a natural way. When labor started, Rachael was there every step of the way. Things didn't go as planned. My baby was posterior and my birth plan changed at the last minute. I was disappointed that I was going to have to make the nessesary changes, but Rachael comforted and supported us every step of the way. Her presence was never too much or too little. Everything we needed was handled beautifully and her loving, caring, supportive nature helped give me the confidence to push my baby out. 
Looking back, hiring Rachael was one of the best choices I could have made. I would definately recomend her to others, especially if you have an appreciation for a natural, holistic lifestyle. If and when I am ready for my second child, Rachael will be one if the first to know!