Saturday, May 3, 2014

Love Note

My birth was the most wonderful experience, with much thanks to Racheal. She was so very helpful throughout my whole pregnancy, she went to doctors visits with me and was also helping me fight my extreme heartburn, to her calming yoga coaching, and patience with me during my 27 hours of labor. I went in active labor the day before Thanksgiving and with my first call to Racheal informing her I lost my plug she was just as excited as I was that we would be meeting my little man very soon. I was told by my doctor to head to L&D and that I would be having a baby for Thanksgiving.

 I called Racheal 1st and she was there like a cool drift of wind, with her warming smile and encouraging words I was prepared for anything. I was offered home twice where I went and ate and with each visit back to L&D she was there within the speed of light everytime. At 7cms my labor came to a hault and we had tried everything to get little man to progress, shower laboring, light exercising, birthing ball, and my cervix had started to swell cause major back pains. I was given a choice C Section or Epidural. Epidural it was, I am so terrified of needles, but with some encouraging words from Racheal I was so ready to meet my little man I had to worry in the world. 

After a hour nap he was ready to enter the world, and with 3 pushes we had delivered a 7lb 12oz baby boy with 12 fingers and 10toes and the lungs of a singer. I was very pleased with Racheal and her determination, I pleaded with her to go home and be with her family for the holiday but she meant she was leaving until he awas here and screaming, afterall she had done for me I feel as if she is a member of my family and not just a Doula. I really couldn't have chosen a better Doula as helpful and encouraging as Racheal, Thanks again for everything!!! Love Jess and Tymon