Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For Parents: A Guide to Interviewing Doulas

Finding, interviewing and choosing the perfect doula can be time consuming and tricky!  To all parents, and especially first-time parents, the process can seem overwhelming because who you choose to be present at your child's birth can literally make-or-break the situation.  Having the perfect team: a loving partner, a midwife or doctor you trust, and a doula who provides unconditional comfort and support is key to having a satisfying birth experience.

If you decide to go the doula route (and I might be biased, but everyone should!) you have find, interview and hire a stranger to provide you comfort during a beautiful but vulnerable period of you and your partner's lives.  Finding the right person is paramount, and during a short interview, it can be hard to get to know someone well enough to make an informed decision.  Here are a few talking points  and tips to help open conversation so that you can really get to know your potential doulas and find your perfect doula match!

1. Describe your birth doula philosophy.
Understanding a doula's birth philosophy will help you understand how she will care for you.  A good doula understands it is her job to support you and your partner's decisions whether they are in line with the decisions she would make herself.  
2.  How would you describe your relationship with local providers?
This cues you in on how she sees her role as a doula.  If a doula has positive relationships with care providers, then the chances of having a peaceful birthing room are greater.  A good doula has mastered the art of facilitating communication between you, your partner and your provider, and should add ease to the situation, not tension.  
4.  Tell me about a challenging birth you have experienced and what you did to better the situation?
As a doula, challenging births have been points of professional growth.  Knowing how she has supported families through challenging situations may inform you how she will support you and your partner if something complicated or unexpected arises.

5.  How long have you been a doula and what certifications do you hold?
This one is pretty straight forward.  Many doulas base their fees on experience, and it is helpful to know how long someone has been in the industry.

6.  What special services set you apart from other doulas?
Every doula has a unique outlook and skill set to offer her families.  Some offer Reiki, yoga, birth photography and other services, so find out what is included or can be added on to their birth doula services.

Facts aside, it is most important to find the doula you love.  Kind of cheesy, I know, but with every one of my clients, I have felt a genuine sense of comfort and natural ease.  We just worked well together. I truly believe that there is the right doula for every mother and father-to-be, and that you just have to interview a good number of candidates and trust your intuition to find your perfect doula match.

To find doulas in your area check out www.dona.org, www.doulamatch.net, or search for local doula groups.