Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love Note

I became interested in hiring a doula when I was a little over half way through my first pregnancy. I spoke with and interviewed a few different ladies before choosing Rachael. Rachael's knowledge of yoga, aromatherapy, and massage immediately made her stand out to me and my partner. After hiring her, Rachael was very involved and helpful with any questions or concerns that came up. She familiarized herself with the birth plan that we decided on and even offered prenatal classes, rebozo techniques, and herbal supplements to prepare us for the remainder of the pregnancy and birth of our daughter in a natural way. When labor started, Rachael was there every step of the way. Things didn't go as planned. My baby was posterior and my birth plan changed at the last minute. I was disappointed that I was going to have to make the nessesary changes, but Rachael comforted and supported us every step of the way. Her presence was never too much or too little. Everything we needed was handled beautifully and her loving, caring, supportive nature helped give me the confidence to push my baby out. 
Looking back, hiring Rachael was one of the best choices I could have made. I would definately recomend her to others, especially if you have an appreciation for a natural, holistic lifestyle. If and when I am ready for my second child, Rachael will be one if the first to know!

Friday, April 25, 2014

New Prenatal Yoga Classes!

Starting in May, Birth Richmond will be partnering with The Yoga Library in Rockett's Landing to offer two new prenatal classes.  The studio has large, awesome windows and a beautiful view of the city, providing the perfect place to relax and decompress.

We will offer a full length class Friday evenings from 6-7:15, as well as "Prenatal On-the-Go" from 8-9 on Saturday mornings.  We hope to see you in class!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Eight Reasons to Practice Prenatal Yoga

Building and maintaining a yoga practice has many benefits for the average person, and many additional benefits for a mother in her childbearing year. 

Illustration by Clare Owens

1.  Prepares the body for childbirth.
Prenatal yoga is based around the intentional strengthening and stretching of muscles used during labor and birth.  The practice of asanas increases flexibility, builds the muscles of the pelvic floor, and tones muscles to help with stamina during labor.

2.  Alleviates the common aches and pains of pregnancy.
Intentional practice can stretch and soothe aching hips, reduce back pain, and aid in the relief of sacral pressure, among many other symptoms.  For example, spending time in viparita kirani (feet up on the wall) is a passive pose that reduces swelling in the feet and legs, promotes healthy blood circulation, calms the mind and can even help relieve hemorrhoid pain.

3. Pranayama, or breath work, is essential to the birth process.
Awareness of the breath is vital during labor and birth.  Pranayama instills the practice and habit of being aware of the breath.  Breathing through contractions allows your body to open, and keeping your mouth and jaw relaxed through intentional and intuitive breathing will help you have a healthy and effective labor.

4. Increases a woman's confidence in her body.
The more a mother-to-be moves and explores her growing body, the more she will trust her body and  intuition during labor.  A mother who labors upright, actively and in different positions has a greater chance of a natural, vaginal delivery.

5.  Helps promote optimal fetal positioning.
The way a mother moves her body can encourage the way the baby will move his or her body.  I've seen cat/cows turn a posterior baby!  For more info on optimal fetal positioning, visit

6. Builds the mind-body connection.
The breath integrates the mind and body.  When the mind-body connection is established, a mother is more likely to have a confident, happy birth.

7.  Intentional time spent together with baby.
Intentional time with your baby helps you connect with her, so that she knows she is loved and welcome whenever she chooses to arrive.  Supta badda konasana (leaning back on a bolster in cobbler pose), viparita karani (feet up on the wall), and savasana (deep relaxation) can all be spent meditating and listening to your baby. 

8.  Helps maintain a mindful life.
Many midwives say that women give birth the way they live life.  As a doula, I have come to understand this to be true.  The practice of yoga encourages mindfulness, and this practice can find its way growing into the rest of your life as you grow and birth your baby.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Love Note


I met Rachael at an event for the VCU Midwives about six weeks before our due date.  We instantly hit it off, as she is so warm and inviting and a very active listener.  I am also familiar with the organization through which she received her training, and know of their high standards.  Rachael met with us at our home, and discussed our wants and concerns about our birth experience.  She asked great questions, and was very supportive of our needs making it easy for us to choose her to be our doula.

Rachael made regular contact with us to check in our our progress, and met with us again in person where she offered us a wonderful guide for my husband that she had created that outlined ways that he could be helpful throughout the labor process.

When we did (finally!) go into labor, Rachael came to our house and worked with me, using a number of comfort measures to help guide me through the contractions.  Rachael was so very encouraging and strong; I felt safe and capable.  We went to the hospital when i felt ready, only to have my contractions pretty much stop altogether.  We were sent back home to sleep and rest up, and even though I felt very discouraged, Rachael helped me to keep positive.

 My water broke the next afternoon, and Rachael met us at the hospital and was an incredible presence and support throughout my entire labor, which all in all turned out to be 36 hours (including the previous day's adventures).  She employed a variety of techniques to help me through my contractions, and maintained a wonderful attitude.  Rachael was very knowledgable and was quick to recognize what I needed at different stages thoughout my labor.  We successfully delievered our 9 lb. 9 oz. son vaginally early the next morning.  I know both my husband and I feel that Rachael was an indispensible part of our birth experience, and would highly recommend her to any expecting parents.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014